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Hiya, Fluffsters!
There’s a new post up at the sister cooking website. It’s a recipe for a beer bread.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
There’s a new post up at the sister cooking website. It’s a recipe for a beer bread.
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Greetings, readers!
In case you were unaware, a new trend went somewhat viral yesterday. It dealt with what color(s) a particular dress was.
Well, readers, I am pleased to inform you that Wired has an explanation for why the controversy was so controversial.
**Update** Thanks to a reader, I am now aware of the XKCD comic that perfectly illustrates the controversy. The comic is worth viewing. I double-checked, using some of my resources, and yes, in fact, the colors of the “two dresses” are identical.
The “mouseover” text is also worthwhile.
I hope you have a good weekend!
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, thanks to a friend, I found a list of up-and-coming fashion-type-thingies. And they are slightly amusing. And worth looking at.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, this morning, something fun happened. I was walking to where I’m working (which was not the fun part, in case you were wondering) and on my way, I actually saw a live, wild owl!!!!
I’ve been hearing him for a while, since I’ve been walking on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the very early morning, and he apparently leaves nearby. But today, I happened to look at the right time, and I was able to get a picture of him!
Have a great day!
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
As you might be aware, the Oscars / Academy Awards ceremony-thingy was this past Sunday. And one of the songs up for “best original song” was “Everything is Awesome” from “The Lego Movie.” This song has a very special place in my heart, even though I haven’t yet seen the movie. You see, I was part of a group that went on a tour last year, and that song became our semi-official theme song.
You can hear a little bit of it from the beginning of the trailer:
And another quick clip that is probably from the movie, but I’m not completely sure…
But why am I sharing this? (Besides the little story from my life?)
(See what I did there?)
Anywho, I found a copy on YouTube. And so here it is.
I hope you have an awesome day.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
I’m hoping that today’s will make you smile as much as it made me smile.
You see, someone took “shower thoughts”, and made a Cookie Monster video with them. In an art museum.
The contrast is amusing.
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Greetings, readers!
From what I have gathered, many of you are facing a severe winter. For that, I offer you my sympathies.
Similarly, many of you seem to hope for an early Spring. That made me start to think, however– how do we know that Spring has not already arrived? What I am saying is, how do we know that Spring did not arrive before Winter did? Maybe it was simply traveling faster than usual, and happened to outrace Winter.
In other words, be careful what you wish for. Maybe an exceptionally early spring is not the most beneficial of all things that could happen, after all.
Happy Sunday.
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
Today’s post isn’t too fluffy. Ok, so it’s about as fluffy as Fluffy’s old Porcupine post. Because, you see, I’ve encountered a tumblr thingy that shares pictures of “the worst cat“. You need to see it to understand.
Enjoy! Have a great Saturday!
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Hiya, Fluffsters!
A reader of Fluff sent this list of darling animals to me, and now I’m sharing it with you.
Enjoy! Happy Friday!
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Greetings, readers!
It was recently brought to my attention that there are multiple ways in which one can watch the Star Wars movies. One that struck me as very interesting is the proposed “machete order“, which completely eliminates “Phantom Menace” from the play list. The author points out, (correctly, in my opinion) that Episode 1 does not actually contribute anything to the overall story arc of the Star Wars saga, and thus it can (and should) be removed from Star Wars Marathon order.
The entire analysis is interesting, so I encourage you to read it.
Have a good Thursday.