Monthly Archives: January 2015

A “Nothing Original” Trailer

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Greetings, readers!

YouTube showed me a trailer for a movie that looks like it’s going to be successful, by having practically nothing original at all.

The movie? “Chappie”.

The premise? Police robots (ala the movie I, Robot), and somebody turns one of them sentient ala Short Circuit and “I, Robot” (the movie).

It looks like the robot then turns into something of a superhero, while at the same time Earth goes into full panic mode because “Sentient Robot o noezzz!!!” And of course there’s the evil scientist who created the original police robots to get rich, and the good scientist who designed “Chappie” the friendly sentient robot, and who seems to be a hardworking, caring father ala every cliche’d movie with two scientists ever. Ok, slight exaggeration. Slight.

So I can’t tell if it’s a pure ripoff of Short circuit (in which case it’ll be bad and nobody will know, so it will still be a successful movie because so few know about Short Circuit), a combination of Short Circuit and Iron Man (in which case it’ll be bad, but still a successful movie because so few know about Short Circuit), or Short Circuit and Transformers (in which case it’ll be really bad, but still a successful movie because so few know about Short Circuit.)

Here’s the trailer. Maybe you can tell me.

And for those of you unaware of Short Circuit, here’s an old trailer for that, too:


Weekend Procrastination

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I recently reencountered probably the only fanfiction I will ever admit to reading even some of. It’s “Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.” I highly recommend up through the first 33 chapters. After that, it gets a bit angsty. But before that, It’s quite funny. It takes place in an alternate universe where Harry Potter is raised by a science professor, and is an absolute supergenius.

Have a great Saturday!

NEAT basement idea that I rather want now

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I was browsing through my collection of thingies that might make good fluff posts, and I came across a tutorialish thingy I’d forgotten about. It deals with turning a basement into a “mountain lodge man cave” thingamabobber. And it’s really cool. I definitely want one.

Of course, I’d probably have a different photo in the fake window. Maybe one of Colorado, like the picture I put in the fake window tutorial.

Also, I’d probably use a paper mache dragon head instead of a dear head, or whatever kind of animal’s head is on display. Because dragons are fantastic.

I’d also have it be a bit less cluttered, since the way it is looks a little too messy. (Yes, Mom, you read that correctly.)

And I’d definitely have some sort of extra comfortable “snuggle in” chair for reading a book, or finding more Fluff material.

And that’s probably why the thing above is called a “man cave”, and not “The Webmaster’s Lair.”

Have a great Wednesday!

Data “Tables”

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Tuesday!

So while I was talking with a friend last night, we ended up talking about tables. And that got me thinking about data-tables, and what one would even look like.

Rather like numbers arranged in “table” format, perhaps?

Really, Fluffy. I know that type. Nope, I’m thinking about tables. That you eat off of or store things on. But somehow made of data.

Oh, you mean like the things I use to eat off of, then.

Wait, what?

Surely you did not think that online tables only had use for websites, Webmaster. I have been using them for my own storage, and traditional table-age for a while now.


So what do they look like?

Rather like datastreams bent into the shape of tables.

That was not helpful.

You did ask, Webmaster.

…I suppose so.

Still, how would one look in the real world?

That is a more difficult problem for me to answer, since I think they could take on any shape you could 3D print.


Yes. 3D printing is a “thing” these days, correct?


3D print patterns are created using computer software that sends data to the printer. Therefore, the pattern is data.

Thus, in a manner of speaking, a “data-table” in your world could be printed into any shape you desire.


I’ll need to think about that.

Well, fluffsters, have a great day!

Review of Portal 2

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Greetings, readers! This is Fluffy.

As I mentioned recently, I played both Portal 1 and 2 recently. Since I reviewed Portal 1 multiple times already (with an in-depth and brief review), I thought that I would give you a review of Portal 2.

The game was definitely excellent, and I recommend it, for several reasons.


Game Mechanics.

The controls were again intuitive, easy, and smooth. The graphics flowed, and I did not encounter any bugs or glitches that I can recall. I am sure that glitches happen, but I do not think I encountered any of them. Portal 2 did an excellent job with the mechanics.


The game designers did a brilliant job of creating an immersive world. Depictions of overgrowth and “broken” paths indicate how old and worn-down the environment is. The designers similarly depicted “older” and “newer” areas admirably. The total experience portrayed what the designers wanted quite excellently.


There are some rather amusing characters in Portal 2. Each is given its own visual quirk and its own voice. The effects work together quite nicely to create a variety of characters that the player gets to know and appreciate.



I did not anticipate what the story was going to be like, or how dark the game was going to be. It was reasonably thought out, but it was very different from what some of the trailers indicated. It also seemed to have a few needless complications. (Spoiler: Why did we need GLaDOS’s back-story? Or the backstory of the labs?)

Puzzle Issues

There were a few too many elements in any given location to make the puzzles as friendly as I had hoped. More specifically, there were too many hidden locations where you did, in fact, need to have precise control to hit things precisely in order to solve the puzzle. There was a lot more “Twitch-factor” involved in this game than I would have hoped for a puzzle game.

I guess that is my only real critique of the game. Overall, it was well done. I expect that people who normally play video games who for some reason have not yet played Portal 2 would enjoy it a lot. I recommend the game.

“Interesting” Music to a Kazoo

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

My cousin got married yesterday. So in honor of that, I’m sharing a YouTube video that he once shared. It’s a rather remarkable version of the Skyrim theme. For those of you who don’t know about the Skyrim music, here’s an example of a well done alternate version. (Yes, it’s Lindsey Stirling.)

And here’s the version my cousin shared. Enjoy(?)!

A More In-Depth Game Review of Portal (1)

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Greetings, readers!

First of all, it has recently come to my attention that some of you are confused as to who is who on this blog. So I am going to clarify it for you. This is me, Fluffy McGiggles. The “Webmaster” (who has a bit of a pretentious name, if I might add-)


-uses the ridiculously over-the-top purple motif.

Since I am currently living in what you call the “internet”, when I speak, it appears in whatever style you see it as.

Second, since I quickly moved on to playing Portal 2 after I finished Portal 1, I did not have the kind of time I now wish I had taken to do a more in-depth review of Portal.

It is now time to fix this problem.

As I mentioned in my previous review, I enjoyed it a lot.

The game play was smooth, and intuitive. Controls were (mostly) taught as needed, in a subtle way that did not detract from the game play. (The one exception to this is that they key-in for “crouch” is the “ctrl” key on your keyboard.

The only other critique I had is that when you die (which happens frequently, although there are minimal consequences for such behavior), I, at least, needed to inform the game when I was ready to reload. That was actually fairly nice, from my perspective, as it gave me the opportunity to look around. However, it did take me by surprise the first few times.

One of the other very nice features of the game is that it did emphasize solving the puzzles. There are a few things required that might have required very fast reflexes to do in a different game. However, the trick for Portal is solving the puzzles. Therefore, as soon as you figured out the puzzle, it would default to getting you to the proper place, thus making game-control fairly easy, and the game emphasis truly on the logic behind the game.

Portal 1 also did an excellent job of making it clear what you were supposed to do. There were few distraction items– anything you encountered was likely to be useful for solving the level’s puzzle. (For example, when there is a big red button in the room, you will need to push it to solve the puzzle.)

So, no red herrings, then? That’s what you’re trying to say?

Correct, Webmaster. Well done. There are minimal red herrings in Portal 1.

The story was also very simple, and very excellent. I think it would have been an even better story if I had not known what I was getting into, so I will not spoil it for you. But it is worth playing through.

And those constitute reasons why I really enjoyed Portal 1, and highly recommend it.

More “Boxes” but at least they’re amusing

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. I encountered an article today that discusses both New Year’s Resolutions, and people’s personality types. (Yes, the annoying Meyers Briggs stuffs.) But at least this article was nda amusing, so you might enjoy checking it out.

Happy Friday!