Monthly Archives: September 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookie Science

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Today’s another Saturday. Yay! So, this means you might have time on your hands.

In many places, it is also fall. That means that cooking is a funner pass-time.

So, here’s an article about baking “the perfect” chocolate chip cookies. (Actually, it just has information on how to change your chocolate chip cookies to achieve different things. Like chewierness. It’s still useful, though.)

Have fun baking!

Tips for Travelers to America

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Greetings, readers!

Did you know you can gain a lot of insight about different cultures by reading travelling tips? And I am not referring simply to travelling tips for visiting other countries. No. I mean, tips for visiting your country. Assuming you are American, for example, there are three fascinating articles with tips for foreigners who visit America.

The first one provides insight about American culture. It is a list for Chinese who travel to America.

The next one I found remarkable, for its insight on both cultures, is a list for French travelling to America.

Finally, there is an article with tips for Russians travelling to America. I found this one amusing.

Interesting Idea for Engineering

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Greetings, readers! Joyous Thursday to you.

I recently encountered a remarkable article that discusses an interesting feat of engineering and car design. Somebody took a junk-heap car and, with the use of expanding foam and other supplies, sculpted it into a more sports-like car.

I do not know if this is structurally sound, or how well it would drive. But it looks like a very nice car.

Do you have any thoughts?

New Side Blog!

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I am happy to announce that starting today, there is another blog that is a part of this website! The blog is devoted to a grad-student’s struggle for survival, in the realm of cooking. So, cooking on a budget. The website is currently called “Grad Grants and Great Grub“, and is found at Because this is a new website in the TotalFluff domain, when there are interesting updates on that blog (which probably won’t be every day), I’ll be using those as the fluff of the day. (Tough. Live with it. 🙂 )

I hope you enjoy! (And if you do, share it with your friends! The author would like to get word out about the blog.)

Happy Wednesday!

Cheese, Periodically

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Hi, Fluffsters!

In part because of an epic dinner I had tonight (Kraft Mac & Cheese in a BACON BOWL!!)…

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese in a bowl made of bacon. On a pretty floral plate.

Kraft Mac & Cheese and BACON BOWL. Be jealous. 🙂

…I’m feeling a bit cheesy.

So, I’m going to share with you a beautiful image that a friend of mine shared the link to: A Periodic Table of Cheese.

Have fun!

…They Ruined a Childhood Favorite.

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Hiya Fluffsters!

I come to you today slightly… disturbed. Some people removed the soundtrack from the “Star Wars: A New Hope” throne room award ceremony scene, and it is bizarre.

Personally, I think they went a little overboard on the sounds they got rid of, since the R2 & 3PO noises are reasonably expected to be there even if music is not, but that’s ok. It probably wouldn’t have saved the clip from being weird, after all.

And on that odd note (so to speak), I hope your week goes well!

Tying Shoes: Not as Simple as we Thought

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Hiya, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

So. I just found out that I’ve been tying my shoes wrong. (When I wear shoes with laces, that is. Normally I like my flats. They have bows on the toes.)

But I digress.

Right. Shoes. Tying wrong. Yeah. There’s a TED Talk that discusses it, and shows the right way to tie shoes. You should watch it! (Don’t worry, it’s only about 3 minutes long. You’ve got time. Anyways, it’s a Saturday!)


So, happy Saturday! I hope you have a great one!

Honest Trailers- a Useful YouTube Channel

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered an article that amused me. It was from the people who produce the “Honest Trailers.”

Apparently, they are notorious enough, that they are cited by the creators of Captain America- Winter Soldier as part of why that movie was as good as it was. For, you see, the producers thought through all the questions that the Honest Trailers usually raise about movies, and drilled down on their plot to eliminate the plot inconsistencies that could have caused problems. The net result is that Honest Trailers was part of a YouTube channel that was actually useful. That assumes, of course, that creating good movies is useful. (As an actress on my home world, I would argue that it is, but I digress.)

Carpet Infringement

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Greetings, readers!

I realize I am about a year late for this event, but I just discovered that some people on your world, when they attend “cons”, go “all out” for costumes. So much so, in fact, that they will create new fabric for their costumes.

What brought this to mind was an impressive one that imitated the carpet at the convention center, because they were stealth warriors.

Alas, they were later asked to stop producing the fabric. But the costumes are still remarkable!