Monthly Archives: August 2014

“Hallie Meets the Queen”

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Greetings, readers!

There is a deleted scene from “Parent Trap” that is making the rounds. Apparently Hallie, one of the twins, meets the queen in front of Buckingham Palace.

I personally am just as glad that they left the scene out, since it does not actually add anything to the plot. However, there is one minor detail of the scene I appreciated- they used Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Procession of the Nobles, from Mlada” as the procession music for the queen.

I do not have more to say about that. So I will close with wishing you a happy week.

Why My Dog’s Hair is Too Long

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Hi, Fluffsters!

Today’s post is short.

When you write “short”, how short do you mean?

Shorter than my puppydog’s hair currently is.

I hope you realize that is not a particularly helpful answer.

Oh. Right.

Well, it’s basically long enough for me to write “my dog’s hair is too long- it covers her eyes so she can’t see very well. In fact, a few days ago I saw her walk headfirst into the front of a parked car. It was quite amusing, actually. (Don’t worry, she was just fine. Her hair was probably long enough to cushion the impact.)”

I suppose that is a short post.

And I now don’t quite know what to do. Do I write that post? Or do I just leave this conversation as the post?

So you’re not going to help me. Fine. Well then, fluffsters, what do you think? Should I write out the post again? Or just leave the post as is?

Amusing Lord of the Rings Commentary

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Greetings, readers.

A while ago, someone sent a marvelous link my way. It is a webpage with commentary on The Lord of the Rings. It is quite amusing, and I encourage you to read about one of the great conspiracy theories. After all, what else are you going to do on a Saturday?

Tutorial: Make Fake Windows in Photoshop (With Some Pics)

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Hey, Fluffsters!

Last night, I was up a bit too late again. But that was in part because of writing this post. But enough excuses. The main reason I stayed up too late was because I discovered a fun technique on Photoshop. I found a way to make fake windows!

Picture of a picture in a frame on a window frame.

All it took was a couple photos, Photoshop, and about 10 minutes… once I knew what I was doing

So, the two photos are completely separate, and started from these:

Pretty colorado mountains that get turned into a window view

This is the original view the “window” looks out on

Pretty building sillhuette at sunset

This is the one in the “frame”.

I next distorted the “view” picture using glass effects. I used the “frosted” glass option. For this one, I went with a small amount of distortion and a large amount of “smoothness”.

I then used vectors to create my frame shape, used a wood pattern I created a while ago to make the window look wooden, and bevelled the heck out of that layer. (Play around with it until you get something you like.) I used the “hard chisel” Inwards.

To create the frame shape, I used the rectangle tool. Next, I took three rectangles “out” of the shape, by using the “subtract” option on the rectangle tool. That’s what gives it the multi-paned look.

Have fun with the wood pattern… I don’t remember how I did that one.

Next I copied the “framed picture” into the image I was working with, on a layer above the frame. I resized it, and moved it to where I wanted. Next, I gave it a fairly thick black stroke. Make sure it’s thick- you’re going to bevel this one, too.

So as I just said, go to bevel. Use the “stroke” bevel. Make sure the depth is less than the thickness of your stroke.

Next, create a new layer the size of your “framed picture”. (This will be your shadow.) Fill it with a dark color, and move it behind your frame. Skew it until it gets to be about the shape you want. Turn the setting to “Multiply”. Then give it a “box blur.” (Again, play around with the settings until you like what it shows.)

And that’s it!

I’ve done a few others of these windows, and just reuse the window frame. (And really, that’s the hardest part. So once you create one, you’re set for a while!)

And there you have it! Other possibilities include “taping” pictures to the window or window frame. Or create more “framed pictures” to go on the “window sill.”

Then you can either use it as a desktop background on your computer (and look “outside” when you’re not working), or you can maybe stick it on a wall to give yourself an extra cool window.

Have fun!

Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I’m writing this post, which will be published tomorrow from my perspective, having just gotten back from seeing Guardians of the Galaxy in 3D.

First of all, let me say that I enjoyed it. A lot. The characters were fun, some were totally adorable, and one of them was even fluffy, thus qualifying it for a post. 🙂

Next, a couple of crits. The plot was a little slow or boring at first. (This is kinda similar to Avengers, though, so it’s not too surprising.) It’s not until you have a “Major Moment Scene” about an hour into the two-hour-long movie that you really seem to have cohesion of the group. It’s not until a few scenes after that when things get really interesting. But it ended really well, and I’m looking forward to sequels.

Also, plain 3D was maybe not the best. I normally love 3D movies- it was much to my disappointment that I was not able to see How To Train Your Dragon 2 or Frozen in 3D in Theaters. And 3D really helped bring added depth to the various Hobbit movies (which, alas, was kinda needed…) But for Guardians of the Galaxy, (it could be because I just got new glasses,) there seemed to be something a little too distracting about the 3D style. The visual effects were fun, but they distracted from the story. I’m not sure how much better 2D or IMAX 3D would have been. But there was something a little off from my perspective.

Finally, some final comments: The technology presented in the movie was fun to think about, and seemed realistic. Even better, there were no obvious plot inconsistencies that stood out to me. (Unlike Tangled, for example…) And the characters were fun. Each one had his or her own different personality, and there was enough verbal sparring going on to make it amusing in places.

I highly recommend seeing it.

Happy Thursday!

If “3 Little Pigs” was Written in Older Times

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Greetings, readers!

I do not know if you have seen this YouTube video before or not, but it is quite amusing. It is a rendition of “Three Little Pigs” done in an older style of English. It is well worth the 8 minutes; I encourage you to watch the video.

Funny Road Signs

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Greetings, readers! I wish you a good Tuesday.

According to various places around the internet, your world has a distinct lack of consistency. Even when it comes to road signs.

Fortunately, however, the more “interesting” road signs sometimes get documented. One source has put together a list of 18 funny road signs. Some of them are rather amusing. I hope you enjoy.

Easy Ways to Make What You’re Wearing a Fantasy Costume

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I understand that this title looks like it would be more relevant for Halloween time. But it can also work for right now.

Besides, Halloween is coming up in only a couple months. And a bit.


Background: Last night, I found out that I had an opportunity to go to a thing that involved costuming/acting/improv/stuffs only about 30 minutes before I was going to be picked up. It was really fun, but I didn’t have much time to change into a costume specific to a character. I fortunately had enough time to convert what I was already wearing into a good costume for a character I already played, though. And that got me thinking of different ways to very easily…

3 ways to Make a Costume from What You’re Wearing (mostly involving glitter.)

1) Put on glitter eyeshadow. This can easily be used to make yourself a “fairy.” Or other magical creature. After all, air sprites, fairies, nymphs, and most other female types of mythical creatures always have glitter eyeshadow. It’s practically in the job description.

It therefore doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. Long, formal attire? You’re a noble fairy. Ratty clothing? Fairy trying to blend in. Or something. Regardless, the glitter can totally indicate “mythical creature.”

Or you can spin it as “diva.” Either works.

Of course, the problem with anything glitter is that it gets all over. And you cannot get rid of it for at least a day. So, be warned.

2) Cosmetic glitter all over. This unfortunately is almost always “Twilight” Exclusive. But you’re now able to claim to be a vampire. (At least from Stephanie Meyer’s book series.) Sorry for mentioning that series here, though… But it works. Alternatively, you can claim to be a sprite, nymph, or other fantasy “spirit” creature.

3)Just go as you are. If anyone asks, you’re (whatever you want to be) in disguise. This is probably the easiest, and also the least creative. But if you’re really desperate, go for it!

I hope this helps! Have fun!

Avoid mistakes like this when writing an apology letter

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Happy Sunday!

For the start of the week, I thought I’d provide you with an example of how not to send an apology.

Although, to be fair, United Airlines probably got a lot of free publicity from those mistakes. So who knows?

I guess it depends on what you’re trying for.

Well, I hope you have a good week!

National Musea and Celebrations

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Greetings, readers!

It is with great bewilderment that I inform you that the National Mustard Museum of the United States of America exists. Furthermore, the national mustard day celebration is apparently today.

If any of you know about this thing, please do tell me more! Similarly, if any of you attend, I would enjoy hearing or reading about it.

Happy Saturday.