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Greetings, readers. I bid you a joyous Wednesday.
It has come to my attention that waiting is something that many have trouble with. The term “waiting” can be applied both long-term and short-term.
In the long term, it can cause stress-symptoms to appear as it does, in fact, induce a fair amount of stress to wait for long periods of time. This is especially true if one knows that one is waiting for something, but might not be as certain about how that which one is waiting for will turn out.
Well… That was a bit confusing.
To what were you referring?
The paragraph up there…
Oh. I suppose that it might, possibly, not be as clear as I might hope. But it still mostly conveys the sentiment I am trying to show. That is, long-term waits can be stressful.
Short-term waiting can also be a bit stressful, but the level of stress between different lengths of time varies. Waiting two minutes to leave to go to the grocery store, for example, might not be as stressful as the three-and-a-half month long wait before starting a new phase of life.
In other words, I just spent approximately 200 words to indicate that waiting for the unknown might be stressful. I hope you appreciate my fluffing this post out to be approximately ten times as long as it could, possibly, have been.