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Hi, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!
So, I just saw something really cool. Someone has REINVENTED THE DOOR!
I had not realized that the current version needed to be reinvented.
Well, it’s not that it needed to be reinvented, but this one is just so much cooler!
…I am really not understanding how the “reinvented” door is cooler than normal doors.
It’s a reinvented door! It’s artsy, and it folds to open and close!
And it has soft edges. I can’t think of a thing wrong with it! In fact, I guess that it’ll replace old-style doors fairly soon!
Well, I can. I guess that is one of the differences between me and you.
Oh really, Fluffy? Name one.
I shall gladly name multiple.
1) It is either fully open or fully closed. Sometimes, it is useful to open a door only part way. For example, if you are checking on whether or not someone is asleep, it is not the best idea to open a door all the way and to allow a flood of light to enter. If such a thing happens, then the person who should be asleep will wake up due to the light.
Alternatively, if you were to desire to open the door only part way from the inside, in order to check who is outside your door, it defeats the purpose of having a door if it is either fully open or fully closed.
2) It can only be closed from one side. The video demonstrates a person closing the door as he enters, but only from the front. There is no indication that the door can be closed from the inside, thus implying that anyone desiring to use the door must reach around to the front in order to close the door. Although that is not particularly inconvenient, it is not convenient either.
3) Locking the “reinvented” door. How would one add a lock to this? I would guess that it would have to be a strong electromagnet, or something similar to prevent the door from opening without permission. All the same, that seems like it would be an easy lock to override. And I do not see an easy way to add a different type of lock to the door.
I also don’t see any reason why the foldable door is any better than the original door.
So, Webmaster, have a sufficiently satisfied your request for explanations?
Hmpf. Yes.
Well, Fluffsters, I hope you still have a good day. Despite the fact that there might, in fact, be some issues with the “reinvented” door that’s making the rounds.
But what do you think? Are the reinvented doors cool? Not cool? None of the above? Leave a comment below!