Monthly Archives: February 2014

Easter Bunny Rolls

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Hello, Fluffsters! Last night, I saw the cutest idea for an Easter meal.

Or any meal where there might be a little child.

It’s Easter Bunny themed rolls. Aren’t they adorable?

I know Easter isn’t for a while yet, but I guess this gives you time to practice!

Have a great Tuesday!

Fluffy Puppy Start to your Week

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Monday!

Now, I understand that Mondays are sometimes not the best days of the week. But I may have a solution for today: a really cute puppy video.

I’d recommend turning and keeping your sound on.

Well that was sickeningly “adorable.”

…You put quotes around “adorable”?

Yes. That puppy has a serious need for WD-40 for the squeaks.

You can’t use oil on a dog!

Not that type of WD-40. “White-Dog-40.”

It is a special concoction we have back in my home for dealing with white dogs that will not quiet down. It primarily consists of our equivalent of peanut butter (to make their mouths stick a bit and prevent whining) and a touch of magic to make them sleepy again.

Ah. That’s a lot more humane that I thought.

I am not actually an unpleasant person, Webmaster.

I never said that you were, Fluffy. I never said that you were.

Well, Fluffsters, I hope that makes your Monday a bit brighter! Have a great week!

New Doors!

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Hi, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

So, I just saw something really cool. Someone has REINVENTED THE DOOR!

I had not realized that the current version needed to be reinvented.

Well, it’s not that it needed to be reinvented, but this one is just so much cooler!

…I am really not understanding how the “reinvented” door is cooler than normal doors.

It’s a reinvented door! It’s artsy, and it folds to open and close!

And it has soft edges. I can’t think of a thing wrong with it! In fact, I guess that it’ll replace old-style doors fairly soon!

Well, I can. I guess that is one of the differences between me and you.

Oh really, Fluffy? Name one.

I shall gladly name multiple.

1) It is either fully open or fully closed. Sometimes, it is useful to open a door only part way. For example, if you are checking on whether or not someone is asleep, it is not the best idea to open a door all the way and to allow a flood of light to enter. If such a thing happens, then the person who should be asleep will wake up due to the light.

Alternatively, if you were to desire to open the door only part way from the inside, in order to check who is outside your door, it defeats the purpose of having a door if it is either fully open or fully closed.

2) It can only be closed from one side. The video demonstrates a person closing the door as he enters, but only from the front. There is no indication that the door can be closed from the inside, thus implying that anyone desiring to use the door must reach around to the front in order to close the door. Although that is not particularly inconvenient, it is not convenient either.

3) Locking the “reinvented” door. How would one add a lock to this? I would guess that it would have to be a strong electromagnet, or something similar to prevent the door from opening without permission. All the same, that seems like it would be an easy lock to override. And I do not see an easy way to add a different type of lock to the door.

I also don’t see any reason why the foldable door is any better than the original door.

So, Webmaster, have a sufficiently satisfied your request for explanations?

Hmpf. Yes.

Well, Fluffsters, I hope you still have a good day. Despite the fact that there might, in fact, be some issues with the “reinvented” door that’s making the rounds.

But what do you think? Are the reinvented doors cool? Not cool? None of the above? Leave a comment below!

Video Watched on Valentine’s Day

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Greetings, readers! I wish you a joyous Saturday.

As I was experience once more the fascinating experience of being a single sentient being on your Valentine’s Day, I once more found myself visiting YouTube.

While I was there, I discovered this remarkable video. I hope you enjoy it.

I hope your week ends well!

Things for “Singles” to do on Valentine’s Day

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Greetings, readers! Happy Valentine’s Day to you.

From my experience here this past year and a while, I have deduced that this is a holiday especially designed for “Couples”. Apparently “Singles” are normally exempt from festivities.

Well, sortof. We can still send Valentines. And sometimes receive them. And eat chocolate.


From what I understand, that’s about it. Whereas the Couples will frequently be going on dates, Singles… What do singles do?

You know, I’m still figuring that out. I do have some ideas, though!

Things Singles can do on Valentines Day.

1) Ride a Ferris Wheel. As mentioned previously, February 14th’s also “Ferris Wheel Day“. So instead of not being able to “Celebrate Valentine’s Day Fully”, celebrate a different holiday instead!

2) Celebrate with a similarly single friend. Go out for a nice dinner as a friend-date. Buy chocolate. Eat chocolate. Watch movies. Something.

3) Watch funny videos on YouTube. Or, this week, you could also watch the Olympics. In certain cases, those might actually overlap. Depending. Or you can watch funny videos on YouTube about the Olympics!

Well, there you go, Fluffsters! I hope you have a great-

Hold on a second- this is supposed to be my post!

…Do you have anything you want to add to the list?

…Of course! Do you think I would not?

…Uh, I feel like this might be a bit ominous…


Good call, but hush regardless.

Fluffy’s Suggestions for “Single’s Awareness Day”

For those feeling depressed about “relationship status.”

1) Make prank food, and give it to your “couple” friends. This is cross-cultural, after all. You’re incorporating an element of my culture!

2) If you are finding yourself feeling a bit down, write a story in which the hero dies. I think there is something quite cathartic about destroying something when you are feeling down- even when the destruction is only fictional.

3) Mope. There is nothing quite like moping to enable a pity party. Pity parties are party, and are therefore fun. Therefore, throw yourself a pity party and mope.

…Yes. I think my ideas were much better.

You would.

Well, readers, I hope you enjoy your February 14th. Barring that, I hope you do not become too miserable.


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Greetings, readers! I wish you a joyous Thursday.

It seems as though once again, St. Valentine’s day is upon is. I understand that it is customary in your world to send cards with sentiments, rather than prank foods, to celebrate this day in the second month of the year.

As such, I have decided to share with you some interesting valentines I found online: The Dictators’ Valentines.

If you do send any of these, I would enjoy hearing about responses in the comments below.

Have a great day.

It’s “Snow” Exciting!

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Hi, Fluffsters! Happy Tuesday!

I hope today is a good day for you, wherever you are.

Where I am, right now we’re dealing with a lot of snow, and salt-melt-stuff shortages. It’s making life a bit interesting.

It’s also gorgeous, though! And I got some pictures.


Snowflakes on knit red hand warmers

Snowflakes on my mitten-thingies.

There's a LOT of snow!!

There’s a LOT of snow!!

Blue looking snow with a red-brick building

I hadn’t realized how blue snow truly was until about then

A Favorite Scene from a Favorite Book Has Happened!

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Hi, Fluffsters!

Last night, I read something that made me so happy. Like, you have no idea.

Basically, a scene from one of my favorite series came as close to coming true as possible. In the scene from Enchanter’s Endgame from David Eddings’s Belgariad series, a sorcerer forges a steel rose for his love, and brings it to life, with the thought that steel roses will never die.

In this article, a man forges a steel rose for his lady love. He didn’t bring the rose to life, of course, but this is still basically the closest anything can ever come, and it’s amazing.

Have any of you seen or heard of anything like that?

Have a great week!

Second Scene of a Story

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

Are any of you watching the Olympics? I know I’m enjoying them. Possibly a bit too much, since their eating into time I could be spending working on Fluff for you, but that’s life. Besides, this means that you get to read the next part of my story a lot earlier than I had originally anticipated!

If you haven’t already done so, you can read the first scene of my story.

Once you’ve finished that, here’s Scene 2 of The Lost Prince of hadanelle. (Working title, subject to change, yadda yadda, copyright whatever year it currently is, to the author and owner of this website, etc., etc., and so on and so forth.)

Once again, feedback is appreciated. I realize that this is not the most stimulating of all scenes, but it might add something useful to the story. It might not, but it might.

Well, have a great week!