Monthly Archives: January 2014

Goodbye, Great Pumpkin.

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Fluffsters, today is a sad day. I regret to report the death of the Great Pumpkin. Last night, the place I was eating apparently decided, well, I can’t write it right now. Here is the photographic evidence of the unfairness done to Linus:

A sign advertising Great Pumpkin dessert.

Great Pumpkin dessert. RIP, Great Pumpkin.

As you can see, clearly the Great Pumpkin was turned into a… dessert.

It wasn’t even pumpkin pie.

Wait. How do you know it was not dessert for the Great Pumpkin? Or Great dessert that was pumpkin?

Well, it clearly couldn’t have been dessert for the Great Pumpkin for two reasons. A) it was obviously pumpkin mush, and the Great Pumpkin isn’t a cannibal. 2) The Great Pumpkin only flies on Halloween, so it’s ridiculous to think he’d show up on January 20th.

And it couldn’t have been a great dessert that was pumpkin. Trust me, you’d need to have seen it to fully understand, but there’s no way the dessert could have been great.

So all said and done, let’s have a moment of silence for the Great Pumpkin.

Thank you. I hope you have a happy Tuesday, despite this hardship.


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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Monday!

So, I have recently rediscovered Kumquats.

They’re weird.

Really weird.

Basically, they are an “opposite fruit.” So, they’re a type of citrus.

Odd indeed!

But they’re unlike any other type of citrus in existence. For example, they’re sortof grape shaped. Like, the big purple grapes.

But they have citrus seeds. (Unless you’re thinking of seedless oranges. Kumquat seeds are big. Especially relative to their size.)

But here’s the weird part. Whereas the skin of normal citrus is the bitterest, disgustingest part of the fruit, the skin of the kumquat provides the sweetness and the flavor. The fruit is actually very sour- slightly reminiscent of a combination of an unripe tangerine, an unripe orange, and a lemon.

But if you just pop one in your mouth, the flavor combination is fantastic. The sweet of the skin balances out the fruit.

If you have the opportunity, you should totally try one. Or twelve. They’re great.

Anywho, happy Monday! I hope your week goes great!

A Rant About Doll-Hair

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Ok, Fluffsters, this is not fair.

Fluffy, that’s your cue to ask “what’s not fair”?

I know that’s what you think. I ignored it.

A world class melodramatic actress skipped a cue?

This isn’t an actual play.

Ok, fair enough.

But yes. Doll’s hair is so not fair.

Especially the Kirsten, the American Girl Doll’s, hair.

It looks perfect. It looks nice and gold and like real hair. And it looks like something where you can try new styles on it, before trying it on your own hair. Or on hair of someone who might actually hurt if you pull too hard.

And instead? It’s THE WORST HAIR TO PLAY WITH. It feels greasy. And it tangles like no other. Seriously, I have curly hair. It tangles. I need to wear it in braids before I go to bed or else it all becomes one giant knot.

Compared with this doll’s hair, though? It’s so easy to work with.

And that, Fluffsters, is just not fair.

But how’s your life going?

I hope you have a happy Sunday!

Find Something to Write About

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

Saturdays are wonderful days. You actually have time to do stuff that you enjoy.

I know that for some, enjoyable things can be, like, writing. However, one of the problems with writing is that it’s sometimes hard to figure out what to write about.

(Believe me, I know. I run into it all the time with this blog.)

Well, never fear! For I am here to help you! Here are some:

Ways to Find something to write about.

1) Ask the GoogleIt’s really easy, and sometimes it even helps!

2) Look to real life experience. I know, that sounds really cheesy. And if you’re looking for something to write about, it sorta indicates that you’re out of ideas, which probably includes looking to real life experience. So, maybe nix that idea.

2) Start keeping a journal or notebook of ideas.

Wait… You just repeated 2 on your list.

No, I didn’t. I struck the first from the list, remember?

But as I was saying:

This mostly only somewhat helps in the long run. But when you have an idea, write it down. And then, you can look back at it. (And then laugh… Depending on how many years it takes you to look back.)

One of the biggest problems with this methodology, besides it taking a long time, is that notebooks (and even files on computers) are so easily lost.

3) Find a nice idea generator. I personally love Seventh Sanctum. They have a number of story generators that actually can actually be quite amusing. For example, the “Envisioner” generator gave me this gem: “The story of Jason and the Argonauts being about a group of barbers.”

Given that Jason and the Argonauts were on a quest to find the golden fleece, that actually sort of fits.

So, fluffsters, happy Writing! (or whatever your weekend may have in store for you.)

Astonishing Beauty

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Greetings, Readers!

As usual, I have been exploring the Internet. During this time, I came across an object of absolutely stunning beauty: A gemstone that looks like it has the ocean on the inside. Seriously, I think that everyone should look at this.

I am very impressed. It genuinely looks like an oceanscape. There are strings of kelp, and bubbles from the kelp.

…Wow. That is beautiful.


Well, I wish you a joyous Friday, readers!

Things to do when your computer’s almost dead

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Due to a situation I am dealing with right while I’m writing this post(!) I have a quickie post for you today.

Things to do when your computer’s almost dead.

4) Panic.

3) Turn it off. And then go to bed.

2) Put off writing that thing you were going to do when you turned your computer on.. Or, in my case, just write a really short fluff post.

1) Plug it in.

Well, happy Thursday! I need to turn this thing off now.

“Fun” With English

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Fluffsters, I am confuseled.

…Is confuseled even a word?

It is now.

But as I was saying. I saw a sign today that made no sense whatsoever. It was in a restaurantish thing. And it said,

All items may not be available at all locations at all times.

This is just weirding me out. I mean, seriously. Isn’t this the same as saying there’s at least one location that has no item? Because “Every Item” is not available in at least one location? Actually, if you look at it, doesn’t this mean that no location has any items? What does it mean?!

Personally, I think what they meant was “Not all items may be available at all locations at all times.”

Huh. I guess that does work.

Well, happy Wednesday!

DIY Teastained Decorations

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I am very happy to be providing you with a tutorial today!

In case you hadn’t noticed, I kinda have a bit of a fantasy theme going with my room. And one of the major advantages of fantasy is that you can never have enough decorations!

You either have too few, or too many, but never “enough”?

Something like that.

But this means that when I have free time, I can work on more decorations for my room, and it works!

I’m not completely done with the current project yet. For starters, I haven’t quite figured out how I’m going to display the project yet. But I still like the way they’re turning out!

Here’s a picture of segments of part of them, to show you part of what the tutorial will work towards.

Three tea-stained doodles.

Three pieces from the new “Tea” collection… Or something.

So, here we go!

Teastained Dorm/Room Decoration tutorial


To do this, you’ll need:

  • paper (Parchment paper looks pretty nifty.)
  • something to draw with
  • A cup for hot water
  • A tea bag. (I used Earl Grey.)
  • Hot water. (approximately 1-4 ounces.)

3 easy Steps

1) Cut or rip paper to appropriate size. I quartered my parchment paper. This gives you more to play with. Also, I don’t really like doing full-size paper thingies. So it works out for me. But make it whatever size you want. If you’re going to make a masterpiece you don’t want to lose any/much of, leave some space around the sides.

You’re going to rip the paper there towards the end of the process, so don’t worry about cutting paper perfectly or anything silly like that. You could rip it to look cool first, but I find it harder to draw on. So for laziness’s sake, I like drawing, and then ripping. (It looks more authentic, too.)

1b) Start your tea steeping. You should probably have done this before you start tearing your paper. You want really strong tea, to get a stronger color.

2) Draw your picture. Or write your poem, or set of proverbs. If you’re lacking inspiration, Fluffy did just share a set of… odd… proverbs and sayings. You can choose what type of medium to draw with. Pencil stays about the same. Ink runs, for a beautifully smudgy effect. (See picture below.)

3) Distress your paper. There are several ways to do this, all of which are variations on “Crumple, uncrumple, wet with oversteeped tea, and tear.” The steps can be rearranged, to different effects.

If you tear before you get the paper wet, the edges look a little rougher. If you get it wet and then start to tear, you have a lot more control over the torn edges.

Crumpling and then submerging the ball in the cup of tea also gives a cool effect.

A smudgy ink tea-stained dragon.

Ink also gives a fun effect! This is “normal” (non-parchment) paper.

This was one that I submerged as a paper-ball. It’s also one that I used ink on. I love how the ink ran into the creases! I haven’t torn this one yet, but I’ll be doing that after it dries. (I want the rougher edge look.)

Distressing your paper without submersion. This can be done in a variety of ways, for a variety of effects.

1) Painted on / sloshed / sponged.

distressed paper with a sketched mug and poem.

Sloshed / sponged / painted tea stain effect.

I used a paper towel to sponge the color on at this point. I then used another paper towel to blot it. Clearly, this is one where I crumpled and tore it after putting tea on it.

You can see the final version of this one peaking its head out in the first picture I shared. (I clearly later added more tea, and ripping effects.)

Spotting / spatter / drip

This is also easy. I took the teabag out of the cup, and bounced it on top of the picture. My story for the picture I did this of is that someone has fond memories of a convict, and therefore has the “wanted” poster snippet nearby. Whoever was keeping the poster will be quite peeved when s/he discovers somebody splashed some tea on it.

A splashed "wanted poster" of parchment paper.

Inspired by Once Upon a Time’s Snow. I know, it’s not obvious. But I tried…

As you can see, the pencil stays clear throughout the entire process. Well, as much as pencil ever does. The spotted coloration here is much more subtle than the complete submersion. Or painted effects. But it’s still fun.

And then, because I’m pleased with how it turned out, here’s a picture of another submerged Ink one.

An old-looking piece of parchment with a weird alphabet on it.

I wonder what ancient civilization’s poetry I found? 🙂

After it dried (somewhat) the first time, I put more tea on the center. That adds a vari-colored effect. But doesn’t that look positively ancient? Or at least, older than 36 hours old?

Well, have fun! I found this a great way to entertain myself.

I think my next set of tea-stained “poetry” will be monologues from “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars.” The poetry within deserves a display like that! And I truly mean that in the best way possible!

So, Fluffsters, do you have any recommendations for how I display this?

Some favorite sayings.

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Greetings, readers! I hope this week is treating you tolerably.

I have been perusing some of your sources of wisdom available to me, or some interesting analogies, an I have chosen some of my favorites to share with you. Without further ado:

Sayings for Life (in no particular order)

1) S/he who laughs last, not get joke. This, of course, s worth remembering. If you’re in a crowd, and others start to laugh, make sure you start to laugh too, and before someone else. Elsewise it will look as though you do not understand the joke.

Jokesters out there, you might also wish to remember this. The last person to laugh at your joke likely does not (or did not) “get” it.

2) Boxing is like ballet, except there is no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other. This Jack Handey quote is worth remembering if you ever get into a dance-off with a boxer, or a fight with a ballerina. They are likely to win. Do not attempt this.

3) Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. This is apparently a quote by Elbert Hubbard. With a name like “Elbert”, I am not too surprised he gave that quote.

…Says the person named “Fluffy McGiggles.”

Of course! I completely understand about weird names, and the need to laugh at live because of it.

Moving on.

4) Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. This J.R.R. Tolkein quote illustrates how well he knew wizards.

If my family hadn’t misperformed a play about wizards, after all, I would still be in my home world. Not here.

This brings me to the next one, though:

5) Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup. As I mentioned a couple of days ago, this is also quite accurate. I do not know what ketchup actually tastes like, since we do not have it at home, but since dragons eat everything, I am positive that this quote is factual. Do not approach a dragon. Your life depends upon it.

6) Simply because you are unique does not mean you are useful. I found this one from a page of “Demotivational” posters. (I have recently lost the link, and there were some off-color words used in prior posters, so I am not sharing the link.) This quote is definitely well worth keeping in mind, however.

7) Dogs have masters. Cats have staff. I think this one does not need explanation.

In a similar “no-explanation-necessary category”:

8) A day without sunshine is like night. Someone named Steve Martin apparently made this astute observation.

9) Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. That is one of the most succinct explanations I have encountered.

10) In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. Also known as “even the best laid plans go awry.”

I hope, readers, that you found this information informative and useful.

Are there any favorite proverbs or sayings of yours that I missed?

The horrors of technology, 1909 edition

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Weekend!

I just want to share. You know something I love about the modern day?

Temperature controls?

Well, that too. But I was especially thinking of how we can keep in touch so easily. I post something here, and any of my friends, and even those who I don’t know, can see what I’m up to. With Facebook and Twitter, it’s even easier!

But are you not worried that people are going to start losing touch with each other in real life? Or that technology is going to take over the world?

Actually, I’m not. At all.

People have been borrowing trouble for forever. Seriously. There was a short story written in 1909 about that very possibility. I think the story was probably inspired by the creation of the subway system and telegraphs. When you stop to think about it, that’s not too different from the internet; messaging people became a lot faster and cheaper.


Thank you!

Not you, the story you shared.


Yes. It is very interesting how your world has progressed to be a lot more like the world this author envisioned.

In the sense that we can see people and talk to them from a distance, maybe. But we are still appreciative of personal interaction!

And we don’t worship technology. Well, not exactly. It’s useful, and it somewhat dominates our lives, but enough people are learning how to control it that I doubt it will ever truly be worshiped.

Especially as long as bugs in the code keep existing.

Well, that concludes my commentary on society for today. Have a great week!