Hello, Fluffsters!
As you probably already can tell, or will be able to tell, I’m a bit on the very, extremely tired side. So much so that I received inspiration! What is this inspiration about, you ask?
Bunk beds. Specifically, top bunk beds.
I am currently living in a room, with a roommate, and we have our beds bunked. I am on the top bunk. This is still a new experience for me, as up until this year, I had been living on the bottom bunk. So I am in an interesting place of actually being able to determine some pros and cons.
1) No floppability. This is the big one. You can’t just come back, exhausted, and go FLOP! onto your bed. You need to do silly things like climb your ladder first. And even then, it’s hard to floppify face-first.
2) Closer to the ceiling and fire sprinklers. This shouldn’t be a problem. I’m slightly paranoid, though. In fact, I was paranoid enough about the fire sprinklers that I made my roommate help me move my bed to a different place- a place where I wasn’t within six inches of a sprinkler you can kick and thereby activate and cause to flood your entire room and ruin all your books.
The downside still is that of being close to the ceiling. That’s normally not too much of a problem, but when there are nasty insects (like stinkbugs) on the ceiling, that can be so nervewracking! Will the bug get closer? Will it accidentally fall off the ceiling and onto me as I sleep? What then?
I should stop writing about that. It’s a bit too disturbing for my current state of mind to handle.
That’s actually about it for cons that I can think of for right now. So, moving on to…
First of all, do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to write “pros”? I really want to put an “e” at the end. Prose. You know. like not poetry. But I’m getting off topic here, aren’t I? So…
1) NOTHING FALLS ON YOUR HEAD AT NIGHT!!! As I mentioned previously, I’m really used to bottom bunkage. With someone on the top bunk. It gets really annoying to wake up in the middle of the night because your roommate’s blanket or full body pillow has fallen on your head again. With the top bunk, though, that problem is eliminated! BWAHAHAHA!
2) I’m actually making my bed. It’s really odd. You’d think that since it’s harder, I wouldn’t be making my bed as often. The fact of the matter, though, is that since it is a lot harder, I need to do it as soon as I wake up, and can’t just plan on doing it at some unspecified “later”.
3) Towerness. It’s up high. Like it’s a tower. That’s fun.
How about you, Fluffsters? Any pros or cons for the top bunk that I missed?