Monthly Archives: October 2013

Tickling Animals

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Happy Monday! To prep you for the week, I have found some very cute youtube videos of animals being tickled.

Oh gosh. We’re getting the “Extra Fluffy” treatment today, aren’t we?

You bet!

Now, here’s our first example. This little meerkat is quite cute. Aren’t the grumbles adorable?

Next, this slow loris’s eyes when the people stop tickling him just says it all. (“You stopped? Do you hate me?”)

Apparently some owls like to be tickled. Isn’t this little pygmy owl a sweetheart?

The platypus is definitely the squirmiest of the bunch. She’s also a sweetheart, don’t you agree?

Finally, this little penguin is really cute. The high pitched noises he makes are just so endearing!

Well, I hope you have a wonderful week!

Coffee is Good

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I’m afraid I’m not the most coherent right now- I’m dealing with a nasty cold and sinus issues, and I don’t have easy access to filtered water with which to make coffee.

If you’re having trouble with the post, you could always let me write it…

And end up with another fluffy porcupine incident? No, thank you.

Instead, I think I’ll write about coffee.

Coffee is brown
It tastes oh so good
It’s quite a pity
It’s not a health food.

Coffee with cream
is very delightful
With it inside me
I am quite insightful.

That may have been worse than your “Bee” poem.

I gave you a heads’ up ahead of time, so I will not apologize.

Happy Sunday!

Rapunzel (Take Two)

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So, I was thinking about the movie Tangled. And I have some

Unanswered Questions from Tangled

1) How did Mother Gothel know what song to sing to the flower? Does she just randomly sing to flowers, hoping that one of them will heal her of some disease?

Why are there no more flowers like this? Did the flower not have seeds? Why did the king’s men completely kill the plant? Couldn’t they have kept a small clipping for future use?

3) If Mother Gothel’s life was tied to the power of the flower… well, where did the power go? Why did she die right then, instead of of dying at “the time she would have” after having been regenerated most recently?

What about you, readers? Are there any other questions you think are not answered about Tangled?

Owls again!

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Hello, Fluffsters! I recently realized, this blog has had a distinct lack of owls recently.

Fortunately for you, though, as I was researching potential topics for today’s post, I came across a Buzzfeed of Laughing Owls.

Owls are cute and friendly, and I suggest you show your support for them by following that link. 🙂

Happy Friday!


I no longer need to bother…

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Thursday! I hope your day is treating you well.

I was thinking about coming up with a clever idea for a fluff post, but then I decided, “why bother”? For, you see, I encountered this substance at dinner last night.

Strange pizza-like substance with bananas, oatmeal, and... something.

I think there were bananas & oatmeal on this thing. But what is WITH that SAUCE?

So, I think it’s a pizza of some sort. And there were bananas on it. And oatmeal, I think. I have no idea what that sauce-like goop was, though.

That is one that I did not try. I like you, Fluffsters, I really do. But not that much. Sorry.

I hope you have a great Thursday!


Book Recommendation: Scarlet Pimpernel

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Greetings, readers! I hope you are in excellent health.

As I was once again perusing this new world, I came across a wonderful place called “Project Gutenberg.” It is devoted to books that are out of print, and are therefore free to read.

One of the books I discovered is “The Scarlet Pimpernel.”

I do not want to give any spoilers. I will say this, however: I really enjoyed it. It had a touch of melodrama, it was set in a bloody era of your history, and there were cunning characters, and a fair bit of humor as well.

If you have time, I highly recommend reading it.

Food Fluff: It’s PINK now!

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Tuesday!

Once again, I was at the same place with Lemon Dessert and the caramel apple cheesecake nobake. And once again, they had an interesting fluff dessert.

This time, it was pink!

Pink and oreo mousse dessert.

PINK fluff dessert now!

This one actually had a much better consistency than either of the two previous. Rather, it was much more expected.

The pink fluff stuck to the spoon this time.

It actually sticks to the spoon this time!

Isn’t it nice and pink?

It was also much softer, and didn’t hold the spoon as upright for as long as the Lemon Dessert!

A spoon is somewhat supported at approximately a 45 degree angle in the mousse.

The spoon started to fall much faster than with the other desserts!

Granted, it was still held for a while. But it was a much more expected consistency.

It was also sculptable.

the mousse is castle-ish shaped.

Castle-ish shaped pink stuff!

heart shaped pink fluff mousse

It was soft enough to turn into a heart.

In fact, as far as consistency goes, this was the best dessert. Unfortunately, it beat out the other two in terms of flavor- it was nasty. I had a few bites just to justify getting some, but it really didn’t taste very nice.

I think the rest of the population at the dining facility agreed with me, since after about 20 minutes to half an hour later, it hadn’t gone down very much.

Another pic of the tray about 20 minutes later. Its volume hasn't decreased by much.

As you can see, it hasn’t gone down very much…

So, happy Tuesday! I hope your week goes well, and is not plagued by perplexing pink paste.

Call of Cthulhu, Dr. Seuss Style.

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Greetings unto you, this fine Monday! I hope it is treating you well.

I recently discovered a marvelously fluffified piece of old literature: A Dr. Seuss styled Call of Cthulhu on deviantArt. I highly recommend spending a few minutes and looking at it.

Have a wonderful week, readers!


Things that Make Dances Fun

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

About a week ago, I was fortunate enough to be able to spend the weekend at a variety of ballroom & swing dance party thingies. It was a lot of fun, for a variety of reasons. (Heads up, any male readers- this post is primarily for the girls who read this.)

So, here are some reasons why I had fun.

1) There were some fun girls to talk to. Even when I was between guys asking me to dance, there were a group of people to hang out with and chat with. That was a fun part of the night!

2) I got asked to dance! That, of course, is the main reason why people go to dances. Presumably. At least, that’s why I did. I’m really enjoying learning Ballroom and Swing. Especially waltz, and other fun, twirly/fast or extremely dramatic types.

Why does your love of twirling not surprise me?

What’s that supposed to mean?

Oh, nothing… Nothing at all.

Hmm… Somehow, I’m not sure I believe you.

3) Getting to “Pretty Up”. There’s something really nice about the opportunity to try a fancy hairstyle (I got a friend to help, for once… I’m extremely picky about who touches my hair) and I did makeup nicely, and got to wear a pretty skirt or dress. Two nights in a row! It was fantastic.

4) Twirly Skirts. It’s a pity for the guys that only girls get to spin while wearing flowy, twirly skirts. There’s something really fun about it, that’s really hard to describe.

5) Spontaneous Line-Dances between “partner” dances. There was still partner dancing going on while my friends and I did a couple of line dances, but it was still a lot of fun. There was one where we didn’t exactly do a prescribed dance, per say, but we sort of made something up, and everyone else who wasn’t ballrooming at the time joined us. It was a lot of fun, and I highly recommend learning how to linedance with some friends at dance parties you go to.

6) Good food / drink. Nothing says “party” to me quite like non-alcoholic sickeningly sweet lemonade or fruit punch. And cookies. Even if you get crumbses all over the place, it’s part of the festive party atmosphere that makes dances fun.

There you have it, folks!

Where “it” is one of the fluffiest fluff posts in a while?

… where “it” is a list of things that make dances fun.

Right. That’s what I said.

What? That is not- oh, never mind.

Happy Sunday, Fluffsters! I hope you have a great week!

Creative Uses for Junk Mail

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I saw this a while ago, and thought it was a cool use of junk mail.

a paper cutout of a butterfly, reminiscent of the paper snowflakes seen around christmas.

It’s like paper snowflakes, but with butterflies.

I really like it. I thought it was a cool use of junkmail, and different enough from snowflakes to be really interesting!

Have any of you made anything like this?