Monthly Archives: September 2013

Hooray, this made the news…

Hello, Fluffsters!

Everybody can relax now- the United States ranking 17 in the most happy nations of the world qualified as a valid news article. Now all that we need to wait for is the breaking news article about how Iceland ranks in the world for Number of People Who Wear Green.

Where did that come from?

The internet…

No, not the article. The “Green” ranking. And Iceland?

Do you have something against Iceland?

No, I just don’t see how that question makes any sens-

Well, happy Tuesday, Fluffsters! I hope you have a good day.

Analysis of why “The Fox” song might be offensive

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I’ve been thinking about the fox song that was talked about in yesterday’s post, and I realized I may have been wrong about it.

You’ve come to the realization that it’s a bad song?

Maybe. In fact, it might actually be fairly offensive, when you stop to think about it.

Because it insults your intelligence? Don’t many things in life do so?

What? No! That is to say, I’m not offended by “the fox song insulting my intelligence.”

On the contrary, it just communicates at a brainier level than most expect.

Why am I suddenly getting the feeling that I don’t want to know where this is going?

I don’t care.

Here’s why I think this song is potentially offensive: after thinking about it, I realized that foxes are typically thought of as introverted type creatures. According to wikipedia, they typically live alone.

Many of the other animals mentioned throughout the song (dogs, cows, elephants, and birds, for example) live in groups. By using the groupish animals as a type of counterexample, the composers are clearly setting this song up as a contrast between two groups: Extroverts (group lovers), versus introverts (solitary types).

Uh, are you sure you’re not reading too much into thi-

Now, that simple classification itself isn’t too much of a problem. As I’ve ranted about earlier, people tend to try to put others into boxes. It’s annoying, but that’s not the purpose of this rant.

No. The purpose of this rant is threefold, because the song can be seen as insulting both introverts and extroverts. And animals.

Now I’m just confused. Again.

Actually, Fluffy, it’s not that complicated. Here is my analysis:

How The Fox Song Can Offend Animals.

As I mentioned earlier in the post, the singer goes through and talks about different types of animals, and what they say. He then goes on to talk exclusively about the fox. This dismissal doesn’t qualify as equal opportunity for all animals. In fact, there are a number of animals he doesn’t even mention that have equally perplexing noises, or lack thereof. What about the giraffe, for example? Why don’t they have their own song? Or chorus line? And how about parrots, too? They’re great imitators- what are their natural noises? Does anyone truly know? How do we know that parrots’ natural noises haven’t been tainted by child birth? But do they even get mentioned? No!

And then the fox itself. The artist doesn’t even try to be reasonable with what the fox might say. Furthermore, they use what must be a computer generated fox to indicate what they really think sound like. All foxes that watch that video will likely feel insulted.

Of… course.

And then there’s the introvert/extrovert aspect.

Why the fox song might upset extroverts.

Extroverts. They love groups and attention, right? Well here, they only get a second on camera. Tops. They’re introduced, given a single line, and then dismissed. This is unfair. Why can’t extroverts have more camera time?

Also, they’re being so casually dismissed. By indicating that we know what the extroverted animals say, that says we know all that we need to about those creatures. If you further that argument to extroverts in general, you’re indicating that you know exactly what an extrovert is going to say all the time, and that it doesn’t matter! That’s very offensive! It also indicates that what people say is all that matters. Well, whatever happened to “actions speak louder than words,” Mr. Ylvis?

Ylvis also presents foxes as mysterious, and therefore awesome. The others are presented as unmysterious, and therefore uninteresting.

Now Webmaster, I really don’t think the song was meant to be viewed that wa-

But that’s not all.

Why the song could offend introverts.

The entire song is about trying to get someone (who doesn’t want to say anything) to speak.

By choosing a fox, which is one of the more introverted type of animals, Ylvis plainly decided to make this a metaphor for all introverts.


That means that all the artist says about foxes is meant to apply to introverts.

So when Ylvis sings “What does the fox say?”, he’s actually saying “What do introverts say?”

Now, on the surface this doesn’t appear to be an entirely offensive question. But upon deeper analysis, the true intent can be seen, and thus indicate the potentially malicious idea behind this. In reality, there are at least two problems behind this question.

The first, and the most obvious one, is the inherent idea that Ylvis deserves to know what you’re saying. He’s not saying, “please, dear introverts, would you tell me what you’re thinking? Or what you’d like to say?” No. Instead he’s writing a song, comparing introverts to a single type of animal, demanding to know what introverts are saying. (Side note: That also seems to imply that he thinks introverts speak an entirely different language. Thanks a lot.)

The next problem, and one that can only be understood by the greater context of the song, is the indication that all introverts think exactly alike. The analysis here is also fairly straightforward. The composer uses many different types of extroverted animals, all of which say something different. Now, the composer just uses a single fox, to represent all the shy introverted people. He clearly thinks they must all say the same thing.

I don’t think I’ve encountered anyone else reading this much into that song. It’s certainly not that bad a song! It just insults the intelligence of the listeners. Seriously, just sto-

That’s not all, though. Oh, no.

The artist then tries to come up with ideas for what the introverts foxes might say. Or so they claim. In reality, can anyone deny that they’re just using this as an opportunity to make fun of the quiet folks, by making up loud obnoxious things that introverts clearly would not say, and are thus trying to bully all quiet people into conforming to the artist’s standards?

As I said, the song could easily be considered offensive.

…You don’t actually believe what you just wrote, do you? Please tell me you realize that the song did not intend to say all that you just said it said? And that it’s biggest problem is its lack of content, not its overabundance of it?

Of course I don’t! I just wanted to rant about it in a way that you’d be forced to defend the song.

WHAT? That is so not fair.

Funny, though. And it worked, didn’t it? You did claim the song wasn’t actually that bad.

Anyways, Fluffsters, happy Monday! I hope you have a good one.

“The Fox”…

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Your world… I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. WHAT IS UP WITH THE PLANET EARTH?

Uh, wow Fluffy! That’s a little more energetic than usual. What’s the cause of the outburst this time?

The song “The Fox.”

That’s what’s up.

Uh… “The Fox”?

Yes. This.

…That’s sort of catchy. And cute.

And that is what I just don’t get about your world…

What? It’s sort of silly, and very random. And it’s actually sort of charming how the singer pronounces the Duck’s noise more like “Quahk” rather than the traditional “Quack.”

But… it has no content!

Oh, at least it’s better than “Friday.” This song, at least, raises a valid question. What does the fox say? And besides that, much of what it says at the beginning is fairly accurate. You know, at least from our perspective.

It goes through and lists animal noises at the beginning. And then goes on for the rest of the song talking about what the fox might possibly say. Including whether or not foxes would communicate with horses by morse. Seriously. What is going on?

Well, what other language rhymes with “horse”? “Norse?” That’s just plainly idiotic. No fox would speak Norse.

But they might speak morse code? And horses might speak morse as well?

In the songwriters’ defense, they never claim that horses communicate back through morse.

…right. And that makes everything better.

Oh, good! I’m glad I could help.

What? No! I wasn’t serious.

Oh. My bad.

But the fox song apparently does raise a valid point. At least according to Wired.

Fine. I’ll just accept that your world is confusing, and try to let it go at that.

Good plan, that.

Especially since it’s the only one I can come up with. Well, that’s enough for right now. But anyways, Fluffsters, what are your reactions to the song “The Fox”?

Making a game in 30 minutes

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Yesterday I had a fun experience. In a group today, we ended up working on designing a game. Now, here are the details: we had 10 minutes to figure out what our game instructions were going to be. We were also given specific supplies. In this case, it was a supply of paper, cups, coffee stirrer-straws, and napkins.

Given that I was dealing with extreme allergies, I wasn’t feeling too inspired. I may also have been feeling a tad bit annoyed at life in general, and this presented a wonderful opportunity to share my frustration.

My teammate & I decided that we would make a game reminiscent of soccer. Each player was to be given a piece of paper, which they were to turn into balls. (They could choose what size.) Then, the player uses the coffee-stirrers to blow the paper into the cups.

Have you ever tried blowing through a coffee stirrer? It’s really annoying. And trying to blow with enough force to move a paper ball (and get it over the lip of the cup) is even more annoying.

The players all had fun, but they definitely made laughing comments about feeling like they were about to pass out. There were also a comment about how this seemed like the sort of game one would give to a hyperactive small child in order to wear them out. (What can I say? I was a nursery worker for about 5 years… Those sorts of things have been trained into me. Even subconsciously.)

But the end result? My teammate and I successfully made a fun, playable game, and play tested it, in less than half an hour. It was really fun.

So, have any of you done anything like this, fluffsters? If so, I’d love to hear about it!

“Food” from the cafeteria

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Today at the cafeteria, I saw a highly suspicious looking dessert. So, naturally, I needed to take a piece and snap a photo of it.

grasshopper pie: Brown & green mush

Grasshopper Pie

It tasted only marginally better than it looked. (Neither the mint nor the chocolate were strong enough to make up for its disturbing coloration.)

Of course, any time I see something “dyed a tempting green”, I think of this lovely clip from the musical Peter Pan, starring Mary Martin.

How about you, fluffsters? Any odd desserts recently?

Stupid thrice blasted allergies, and responses to them.

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Hi, Fluffsters!

Apologies for any lack of coherence in this post coming up. I’m allergic to corn pollen, and I’m temporarily in an area surrounded by corn fields. This is making me very unhappy right now.

On the plus side, though, it provides an easy way to think of a topic for today:

Ways to deal with allergies.

1) Take medicine. About 2 times out of 7 (it seems) this actually helps. I recommend Loratidine. It sometimes even works on colds.

2) Mope. This garners a bit of sympathy, and might get you free hugs. On the other hand, this makes you less pleasant company and makes people less eager to spend time with you, thereby decreasing your normal number of hugs. So actually, this is probably not the best option.

…Because hugs are the most important thing.

3) Surround yourself with tissues. This is a must. Especially if your medicine isn’t working.

4) Buy a chapstick for your nose. This is to help your nose after you’ve rubbed it raw with tissues or napkins, or whatever else you have to wipe your nose with. I actually recommend the mint ones. Although they dry out your skin, they make your nose tingle and make it not hurt. At least for a while.

5) Eat chocolate. This won’t actually help your allergies, but at least it tastes good!

6) Drink caffeinated coffee. This actually works. At least, it’s worked for me. Decaf? Not so much. Caffeinated bubbly beverages? Maybe. But coffee’s good, and it has anti-oxidants, which are supposedly good for you and stuff.

7) Cut off your nose. I’ve yet to try this solution, but I imagine it would remove congestion in your nose. On the other hand, then you’d go without a nose for the rest of your life, and therefore look weird. And be unable to smell anything. But, you know, priorities. You’d no longer have allergies, right?

8) Stand up and walk around. I’ve found that this often really helps. I have no clue why, but sitting down or lying down are typically the worst positions for allergy-fighting. Standing up and walking seems to frequently be the best. At least for me.

9) Write a blog post about it. Of course, this doesn’t actually help with your allergies. But it at least provides writing material.

So there you go, Fluffsters! Hopefully one of these options will work for you. If you have any other thoughts, please let me know? My nose seriously seems to be trying to kill me right now…

Age of Empires II Game Review.

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Hello, Fluffsters! So I sort of should have been spending a bit more time doing fluff stuff this week. But that’s ok, you don’t mind, right? And anyways, part of what I was doing was playing computer games. And that’s sort of a tradition with long weekends. And as long as I get a fluff up, that’s all that really matters… right? And so, in order to take advantage of that time spent playing games…

Game Review:

Age of Empires II: Age of Kings.

Age of Empires II: Age of Kings, by Microsoft, is a real time strategy game for computers where the players try to build an empire. The player plays the role of Supreme Commander of a civilization. The player cannot directly participate in any activities, but instead issues commands to: create characters and buildings, tell characters to gather resources or attack enemies, and to explore and to trade. The user interacts with the game through a combination of keyboard shortcuts, and both the left and right buttons on the mouse.

In one-player mode, the goal of the game is simple: become the top civilization in the world map. This can be achieved through a few different ways. Specific goals with a time limit include collecting a certain number of items and holding them for a specified amount of time, and building a particular structure and keeping it for a specified amount of time. Scoring is based upon completion of these goals, how many buildings and units are built, how many resources the player still has at the end of the game, and how many enemies the player destroyed. There are other criteria as well, but they are not as interesting.

Now I think you were just being lazy by not including that.

…Does this surprise you?

But back to the review.

The art, sound, and music tie together in a pleasing way. Although the graphics are a bit slow on certain computers, and therefore stutter a bit, the landscapes are well done. Useable resources are clearly identifiable, and a convenient mini-map at the bottom updates in real time to show where various units and resources are on the map. The music adds an ambiance of adventure- there is a definite beat, which adds excitement, but the music is not so obnoxious that it distracts game play. The sound effects are also used to great effect. If a player’s characters or buildings are attacked by either enemies or wildlife, a small fanfare plays. Each class of armed character has its own distinct sound as well. The game also uses other sound effects to indicate events in the game.

And again you let us wonder what they are…

Do you really want more detail? I could mention that there are random bird calls, each character makes its own noise when created, the horses whinny, the arrows have their own “SWOOSH” sound when fired, or-

All right! I get the picture. I’ll let that one slide.

Good. Now back to the review.

Some of my favorite special features in the game are its Easter-eggs or cheat codes. My personal favorite simultaneously makes the game easier and harder. It is a cheat for being able to instantly build projects, research, and collect resources. The challenging part is that other players gain that ability as well. Others include the ability to gain resources instantly, declare yourself the winner (“I R WINNER”), kill everyone (including yourself through the cheat “black death”), call in advanced weaponry, or take over nature.

I enjoy this game for several reasons. The first is that there is an almost infinite amount that can be done with this game. A player can start off with a very easy game, with lots of resources, only a few players, and lots of cheat code use. A player can then continue to make things more difficult by decreasing resources, increasing the number of players, and using no cheat codes. Built in campaigns add additional options, as does the map-creator.

There are less fun aspects of Age of Empires II, however. First is control. I use the built-in mouse that comes with laptops, and which are difficult to use to scroll around the game with. The second is the length of the game. It is possible to put time limits in, but especially if the “instant” cheat is not being used, it can still take a while for game play to start.

Wait, you use rodents to control this game? No wonder this qualifies as fluff!

No. In this instance, a “mouse” is a type of technology that we use to control computers. Do a Google search to see what they are.

I really like this game. I can’t compare it to others in its genre, since I haven’t really played that many in its genre, but it’s really fun. With expansion packs, and Age of Empire 3, you can even justify it as a semi-history game!

So, yeah. I really enjoy the game, and I recommend you play it. It’s really fun, especially when you do things like call in nuke strikes, or cars that have machine guns, and other random fun stuff. Or design your own maps to have things totally stacked in your favor.

Happy Wednesday!

How to delay going to bed

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Tuesday!

I’m procrastinating on going to bed. Here are some easy ways for you to do so as well.

Avoid going to bed.

1) Start doing more homework / work / cleaning / anything productive. You can’t actually go to bed while you’re doing stuff, right? I mean, then you won’t get back to it!

2) Keep doing something fun. “But I’m in the middle of sewing my dress! Just one more seam, and I’ll be done with the bodice…”

3) Start “just the first chapter” of a book. This only really works when a) You’re genuinely trying to avoid going to bed, or ii) you’ve still got a bit of time left before you want to go to bed, otherwise you’ll feel guilty enough about doing so to not actually use this technique. After you read the first chapter, though, I wager you’ll probably continue into the second, third, or even twelfth chapter. (That reminds me: Twelfth. Odd word, that, isn’t it?)

4) Write a blog entry. And then write another, because there’s some question as to whether or not you actually should post the one you wrote previously.

5) Check Facebook / email “one last time.” This will almost definitely delay going to bed by at least an hour, as there will be a variety of links you probably want to follow through on.

6) Start researching a topic. What areduck calls” anyway? Or “galaxy nail art“? Or who even is Fluffy McGiggles?

If all of those fail

7) Start writing a book / story, or drawing a picture. Those can take infinite amounts of time to perfect or add to. They don’t always, but they can.

By the time you get through all of those on the list, you’ll have reached tomorrow, and your procrastination will have succeeded! Exhaustion tomorrow, here I come!

Well, happy Tuesday. I hope you have a great day, and learn how to stay awake after not going to bed…

Sources of Inspiration

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Can you believe I started this blog more than half a year ago? And that there have been posts EVERY DAY since then? So, I’ve written over 200 blog entries?

Well, today I’m going to talk about where…

Sources of inspiration for Fluff Posts.

1) Random objects lying around my area. I currently have a soft orange piece of fabric hanging up by my computer, for example, that led me to writing the orange fluff post.

2) Conversations with friends. I think most people probably don’t even want to know what we end up talking about, that I come up with things like muffin-flavored shrimp. Okay, so that conversation itself was a relatively harmless discussion of semantics and favorite words. That’s at least where the defenestration and exsanguination came from. I don’t remember where shrimp came into the equation.

3) Asking friends for ideas. My post on whipped cream was roughly inspired by some friends I spoke with about a week before I posted that.

4) Real life Fluff Encounters. When I encounter a fluffy rabbit, I’m going to photograph it. It’s that simple. (Same goes for skunks, porcupines, and cows.) Then, when I examine what pictures I have, I can turn them into fluff posts.

5) Random events around where I am. An organization was selling random rubber ducks. I therefore decided they would make a marvelous fluff post.

6) Random pictures I draw. They’re a fairly easy way to add a fluff post. After all, a picture’s worth a thousand words, right?

7) Other stuff I read. Some stuff is just too ridiculous to not share it. Such as when authors completely forget the purpose of their sentences, and switch comparison. Also, the internet provides a ready source of inspiration. News as well.

Well, there you have it! I hope you have a wonderful Monday!

DIY easy paper fan tutorial

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Hello, Fluffsters! It’s still really hot where I am. So I’m continuing tips on staying cool. Today I’m talking about how to do an…

Easy DIY paper fan.

It’s really easy. The bare necessities are some sort rectangular papery substance that holds a fold. The thicker the paper, the more air flow you can get, but almost any type of paper will work. (I would not use rice paper or origami paper, but I suppose you can.)

The optional first step is to color a picture on your paper. This is particularly fun for kids, and makes a great time-sink for them.

A blank page of paper illustrated

Your blank page. Hold it like this.

To start the fold, take one of the sides of your paper, and fold it in (on top of the rest of the paper) by about an inch or so.

Paper fan step 1: illustration of the first fold.

The first fold.

Next, take both parts of your fold, and fold that part back the same amount.


Second fold of making a fan.

Second Fold

After that, keep alternating. Fold in, then out, then in, then out…

You’ll eventually end up with something like these:

side view of folded paper

side view of folded paper

Final fold lines on the fan

Each line (except the end ones) are fold lines.

Then you’ll want to gather the bottom of your fan closer together, for easier hold.

View of the fan from the front.

Front view of the (almost) finished fan.

After that, just start using your fan as you would any other! Stiffer paper fans can provide lots of air flow and are very useful. I hope you can stay cool!