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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Friday.
Today, I’m just going to leave you with some pretty sunset pictures.
I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!
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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Friday.
Today, I’m just going to leave you with some pretty sunset pictures.
I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend!
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Fluffsters, we’ve got a problem.
Don’t tell me. This has something to do with your Rainbow Conspiracy…
What gave it away?
Uh, the title?
Oh. Right. Well, yes in fact! This does have to do with the rainbows.
More to the point, it has to do with the Rainbows’ hired minions: –
You’re good!
…That’s also in the title.
Oh. Right. But yes. I have recently discovered that Rainbows probably use various pieces of music as minions. Not all music, but some pieces.
I mean, think about it. I’ve already written about how music can pop into your head at any time, and refuses to leave. I’ve referred to those as ear bugs.
Now think further about this: Some music consistently enters your mind when you see certain things or hear certain words. At least, it does for me.
Here’s an example: There’s a campfire ditty I learned. The lyrics are simple: “I see the moon//the moon sees me// the moon sees the one// I want to see. //God bless the moon// and God bless me,// and God bless the one// I want to see.” And now, whenever anyone says “I see the moon”, that little piece of music pops into my head. It’s as though it’s following me around, waiting for the opportunity to come out and demonstrate its existence. Just like rainbows.
My conclusion? Rainbows have enlisted various catchy tunes to serve as their minions. The songs receive training from the rainbows. In return, they too stalk people, always there but never observed until the opportune moment. Then they strike.
Next: People sometimes are more annoyed with songs than with rainbows, which just furthers my conclusion.
How does that follow?
Simple. You see, this provides a brilliant contrast for the rainbows.
People might realize that things popping out at them that are just waiting to be discovered are a bad thing, especially when it’s music that’s annoying and gets stuck in your head. Then, just when the poor victims feel that all hope is lost, they realize that there is something else following them that comes unannounced: Rainbows. Since people are predisposed to go “Ooh, shiny!”-
Oh, you admit that?
Yes. Now let me finish my point.
Since people are inclined to go “ooh, sparkly!” they come to the conclusion that there are two types of hidden phenomena: Music (which is creepy), and rainbows (which are the protectors of human kind.) Little do they know that actually music is just the rainbow’s minion, designed to put rainbows in a better light.
So to speak.
Oh, I did make a pun there, didn’t I?
Also, I theorize that rainbows also use music to slowly drive everyone insane so that they can eventually take over the world more easily. But the primary purpose is for publicity and HR.
…Ah. I see.
So as I said, Fluffsters, we have a problem. Your task is to figure out what music you think is working for the Rainbows. Maybe, together, we can solve this problem ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Anywho, happy Thursday!
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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Wednesday!
So, last night an amusing incident happened. I’m in the process of trying to learn econometrics.
…How amusing. Words cannot express how hilarious that is.
That wasn’t the amusing part!
Are you sure? I didn’t even know you knew what econometrics is!
Ha ha. Very funny. I know perfectly well that econometrics is advanced statistics for economics. After all, I am studying it.
But that’s beside the point. The funny part, you see, happened when I tried to organize a group meeting to work on it together. I was using my phone, you see, which has a feature that tries to guess what your next word is going to be. So I typed in econometrics, and the word it suggested follow? “Woes.” I’m fairly sure I’ve never used the word econometrics on my phone before. I’m also fairly sure it’s never been followed by the word “woes.” I found it amusing.
But how about you, Fluffsters? Any amusing phone incidents? Or anything at all?
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Hello, Fluffsters!
I am really happy right now.
Why? Did you find another abysmal music video that you-don’t-really-think-is-offensive-despite-your-claims?
Not recently, no.
Actually, I’m happy about something I’d been unaware of that happened about 13 years ago.
Apparently, some guy found a loophole in a airline mile competition, and so got over a million airline miles… by buying pudding.
Stories like that make me happy. With a little ingenuity, and a lot of hard work, a guy was able to receive a lot. Further, it apparently didn’t actually cause many problems to the companies. All three parties (the airlines, the food company, and the person who bought the food) all ended up benefiting. Granted, it wasn’t the expected result for the company. But even so, they ended up with a lot of publicity because of this!
…you people.
Just… never mind.
… Okay! Well, happy Tuesday, folks! I hope you have a great one.
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Once again… what is up with your world?
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Really?
Uh, no idea. I hadn’t heard of it. It looks like a spoof of religion, though… Just judging from their definite admission of being legitimate. The church doth protest too much, methinks. Or something like that.
And a flying spaghetti monster? I’m with you Fluffy… That’s just absurd.
Thank you! I hope you’re right…
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Hello, Fluffsters!
Yesterday, I saw one of the more amusingly epic things that I’ve seen in a while.
Oh no. Please tell me there’s not something that’s rivaling the fox song…
Oh, no. This isn’t a music video- it’s a trailer.
A… trailer? That’s what you’re excited about right now?
Well, you see, it’s not just a trailer. It’s a trailer of a movie that’s already been made, and that’s already a comedic classic. I’m talking, of course, about the Monty Python and the Holy Grail Modern Trailer that came out last Tuesday. (September 10.)
That actually doesn’t look to bad. Are you sure it’s a funny trailer?
Absolutely. The trailer is so serious, and for a movie that’s extremely ridiculous.
…The movie isn’t a serious movie?
Monty Python? Oh my, no. That’s the movie that brings you such lines as “Help, help, I’m being repressed!” and “Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?” Trust me, it’s one of the sillier popular motion pictures around. In fact, with it being so silly, I’m very impressed with…
1) The opening music. The combination of chorale and open-sounding percussion makes the tone a compelling adventure type sound.
2) The drum interjections. Throughout the course of the trailer, an emphatic beat comes in to emphasize “drama!” Since there are a few scenes in the movie that look dramatic, whoever made this trailer was able to take those, and emphasize the “Hey, this move looks awesome!” factor and make it appear that the entire movie is like that.
3) Other musical interjections. About thirty seconds in, there’s a rumbly-grindy-modern-y sounding noise reminiscent of rocks tumbling. This sound against the backdrop of a castle gives the impression that there will be epic sieges, possibly including tumbling castles.
3) The “subtitles”. “In a Kingdom of Despair…” some hovering text reads… This is remarkably similar to movie trailers like the one for “Master and Commander…” again, a dramatic serious film. Also, when you label something “kingdom of despair” and have dark music playing, people are going to believe that you mean it. Not that there are peasants who are basically Marxists, and provide a marvelous commentary on politics.
4) The out-of-context epicness. “There is a pestilence upon this land! Nothing is sacred!” “What is your name? And what is your quest?” and “I seek the finest and the bravest knights in the land to join me in my court at Camelot” all sound fantastic… outside of the movie. In the movie, those are actually usually followed by a fair bit of laughter from the audience. Similarly with all the sword fights.
All of those things combine to make a marvelous trailer that, while technically true, is so misleading it is hilarious. I highly recommend this trailer.
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Hello, Fluffsters!
Yesterday, I had a fun opportunity. I got to serve a creepy brain jello!
What’s that you’re saying? “It’s just jello, how can it possibly be creepy?”
I’m glad you asked.
Actually, they didn’t…
Oh, come on. I can pretend, can’t I?
As I was saying, I’m glad you asked. It can be creepy… like THIS!!
Isn’t that nasty looking?
So… is this the next “mold is good” thing with you?
Technically, yes, since I do have a jello mold to thank for this.
But as I was saying, isn’t that creepy? I love making this thing. The jello itself is peach flavored. The gummy worms are sour, which gave the jello a bit of a slightly interesting flavor. There’s also (fat free) evaporated milk in it, which is what makes it semi-opaque. It also slightly changes the consistency to be a bit more… solid. The stuff really feels about like what you’d expect chilled brain consistency to be.
People’s reactions to it are absolutely priceless. Some will stare at it in horror. Others will take the gummy worms sticking out of the jello, and therefore eat the gray stuff that comes with it. And a few brave souls will take large quantities of it and delight in eating “brains.”
Everybody who tries it likes the flavor. (After all, it’s jello. Peach jello. It’s not actually that weird.) At the same time, however, most people think it a bit… disgusting. Especially if they think about the fact that it’s “brains” they’re eating. I love having the opportunity to make and serve it.
And I think I really do not want to know what constitutes a good time to make a dessert that looks like a human organ. A worm infested human organ.
Ok, fine. Spoilsport.
Happy Saturday, though! I hope you’re having a great weekend!
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Hello, Fluffsters! So…
I am so excited right now! J.K. Rowling is writing a screenplay for Warner Brothers, based on her book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!
This is going to be fantastic. I loved the book. Seriously. Alright, so part of it was because supposedly Ron, Harry, and Hermione had left notes in the margins, which added great witty commentary. I’m fairly sure this movie will be interesting, though.
And there are definitely some things I’m curious about with this new movies.
1) What is wizarding life like in America? According to the article, it starts in New York. That’s fantastic! Will we get to see any Quodpot? (The American version of Quidditch.) Do American wizards still wear robes? If so, what do they look like? I can’t wait to see!
2) When will this be released?! Is this something I should be looking for next year? Do I have time to save up money and audition for a part? (Speaking of which, how hard would it be to audition for the part of a patronus? Or a unicorn or thestral? Either of those three could be amusing to play…)
Wait, you’re trying to become an actress? That’s my job. Besides, the parts you just listed are CG. Or they’re going to find live animals.
3) Do American wizarding foods differ? Ok, so this could go under the “Questions about Wizarding Life in America” section. But it kind of deserves its own question, don’t you think? But I’m straying from the point. In Britain, they have Chocolate Frogs and Berty Botts. Do Americans as well? Or have the American wizards taken those foods and “perfected” them? (Do wizard fairs have deep-fried chocolate-frog-legs? That would be amusing… Or deep fried butterbeer? I know that deep fried coca cola is a thing where I’m originally from. On a stick, of course.) What would a wizard’s hamburger look like, too? Or pizza? Do they do special tricks with the pizza dough, since you can make things fly and whatnot?
4) What about “current events?” If this movie is taking place seventy years before Harry Potter, that would put it in the 1920s. There’s a lot of culture that everyone knows about from the ’20s. Will we get to see any of that? Does Newt know Gatsby?
Well, those are some of my questions. What about you? (Oh, and happy Friday! It’s now the weekend, yay!)
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Greetings, Fluffsters! I hope you are well.
I am not feeling particularly inclined to write too much today, but the Webmaster has put enough fluff and nonsense onto this blog to last the rest of the week. Because of that, I will be posting a link to an interesting article here.
This is an article with video footage about octopi. They’re really fascinating creatures.
I recommend that you look at it.
Happy Thursday!
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Hello, Fluffsters! I’m not feeling particularly verbose today, but I am feeling inspired.
So today’s post is going back to the original view of this blog, before I met Fluffy… (Warning: Girly-ness alert…)
Here’s a picture of some nail art I did.
This is probably one of the easiest “steps beyond basic” doable. There are a total of 4 polishes (3 if you don’t count the clear layer on top.)
I started with a sparkly red base coat, (yay sparkles!), put some thicker glitter on the ends, and then used a home-made dot-tool to put little white dots on in shapes reminiscent of dice spots.
I’m basically did this tonight a) because I wanted to, and 2) because I’m planning on wearing a red blouse tomorrow to my ballroom dance class. Also because I’ve seen some amazing nail art things, and I figure I need to get better at even applying normal polish normally before I can start doing things like “galaxy nails.”
How about you, Fluffsters? Do anything fun artsy-wise recently?