Monthly Archives: February 2013

The Poetry of Bees

I recently remembered a poem I composed a while ago for my sister’s benefit. I think I’m going to share it with you.

I think that I shall never see

a person who is like a bee.

For bees are striped and we are not,

Although we sometimes do wear spots.

Thank you.

If you haven’t already, you’re going to give someone nightmares.

Smudgy Unicorn

Towards the end of last year, I started to work a bit on some artsy-ish stuff. One of my more recent ones is a Unicorn I did in the same colors as TotalFluff.

Pastel Colored Smudgy Unicorn

Smudgy Unicorn in Pastels

Webmaster, you really need to work on getting some content…

But… this is content! After all, a picture’s worth 1000 words, right?

Not where I’m from. Seriously, you need to work on getting content.

But isn’t that your self-proclaimed job? To give this site content?

That’s just because you won’t. I do need to take care of myself.

That’s beside the point. The point of this post is that I drew a picture, and I thought it was fluffy enough to share. 🙂

Anyways, have a great day!

Indeed. Please try to have a great day. Despite the Webmaster’s post…

Puppy dogs!

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve beaten Fluffy to a “Daily Fluff” post! Anyways, don’t worry. I haven’t actually disappeared.


Hey, be nice.

Anyways, I’m here to fix a serious wrong: there still aren’t enough cute animal pictures. And there aren’t really any hosted on this webpage.
I’m going to slightly fix this.

Two fluffy white dogs.

The one on the left is about half-Bichon, half-poodle. The grumpy one on the right is pure-bread Bichon


Wait, those are dogs?

Of course. What did you think they were?

Well, back home we call them “cotton-balls”

Anywho, have a great day!

Not to be nosy…

This world has odd customs.

For example, there is an obsession with other countries’ royal families. That never happened back home. True, we celebrated our royal family. And if there were any visiting monarchs, that was also a big deal. But we never made such a commotion over them otherwise. Why in the world would we?

Well, I’m not entirely sure. But I think it has something to do with the fact that we don’t actually have any royalty of our own in America to celebrate, so we borrow other countries’ monarchs.

I guess I can understand that. I don’t think you’ll ever be able to explain imitating a duchess’s nose (offsite) to my full satisfaction, however.

But it’s apparently a nice nose!

See my previous statement. I just don’t understand it.

Super Bowls

I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again. Your world confuses me.

I originally tried to find any of my fellow websites that had information about ice worms. Instead, I found information about something completely different. This celebration totally swamped the other.

Apparently there was an event called “the super bowl.” And it’s apparently one of the most watched events in your country. But I do not understand it.

First of all, why is that event called “football”? I did not see people touch anything resembling a ball with their feet, except rarely. And why are there two types of football in your world? (I do notice that one of them actually makes sense. There’s a very obvious ball, and people kick it. With their feet. Hence, “football”.

Also, why are people punished for too much contact? Back home, we have fantastic tourneys. Oh, and that’s another thing. Where were the weapons? The only one I could see from what I could find in this universe was slightly oval-shaped. And brown. And it didn’t seem to do much harm. Was it valuable? Or does it explode?

I admit, I found the event of making a big deal out of partial illumination bizarre. Was not the stadium in total darkness but minutes before? And what was up with that? Do you consider those people performers? Where were their roles, their lines? The protagonists? And who was the enemy?

In other words, your world is very confusing to me.

Happy Ice Worm Day!

Greetings, my admiring fans!

Don’t get to presumptuous, Fluffy…

Please. I’m an actress. It’s what I do!

Anyways, as I was saying, greetings to you, my dear readers! I have recently come to realize that, as an actual website, I can explore this wonderful universe called “the Internet.” As such, I have tried to learn a bit about your world. I must say, you have some absolute surprises! For example, I had absolutely no idea that ice worms even existed on your world, much less that they have their own holiday!

Ice worms?

You did not know about these remarkable creatures? I assumed everybody knew about them!

It turns out, actually, that today is Ice Worm Day, from what I understand. Ice worms, according to my friend Wikipedia, are a remarkable creature that live in glaciers. Actually, if they get too warm, they melt. Where I come from, we have ice serpents. They too, melt. Actually, that causes quite the problem. If they are unwise and have too much fresh meat, they melt from the inside out. It’s quite nasty, actually.

But back to your world’s worms. Ice creatures of any sort are fascinating. I’m so pleased that your world gives them their own special day!

There are animals that actually melt?!

Excuse me while I try to forget about my fears of stepping in melted snake.

Huh. Not quite the reaction I expected. I’ll need to remember that melting creatures can cause that reaction; it might come in very handy. BWAHAHAHA!

Anyways, I hope you have a great day! And don’t worry, I’m sure that most of the snow you step in doesn’t actually hide any melting ice worms.


Hello, readers! I currently live in an area that gets snow.

There are places on your world that do not get snow?

Actually, yes. I used to live in an area that didn’t, so frozen wet stuff that falls from the sky is still quite the novelty, and I’m really enjoying it.

You. Are. Weird.

Hey, be nice.Anyways, one of the things that occurred to me as I was watching the snow fall recently is this:

cloud fight

Giant pillow fight, anyone?

What if a snowstorm is just a huge, tremendous pillow fight? And it’s pillow fluff that’s falling from the skies?

Also, some of the windows make this odd humming sound when there’s wind. So, it actually sounds a bit like a kazoo.

So I have it figured out! Snowstorms are huge pillow fights. Windstorms are some sort of heavenly orchestra. (Don’t ask me why they only have a kazoo.) And blizzards? They’re some sort of epic-snow-storm-movie-scene with orchestral accompaniment. (Still only with kazoo, though.)

This is your cat in New Zealand.

Did you know cats kill birds?

No, really? I would never have known if you hadn’t told me…

Oh good. I’m glad I could inform you! Now that we have that background out there, did you know that New Zealand does not like this behavior amongst cats? In fact, they dislike it enough to want to ban pet cats. (Offsite Link.) Seriously. They’re even creating a campaign to encourage people to abandon their cats by creating posters of the cats as demon-kitties.

Cute Kitty

This is how New Zealand thinks you view your cat.

Demon Kitty

How New Zealand views your cat

There’s one serious flaw, though: their campaign posters have the distinct misfortune of being adorable. Seriously.

So, you’re saying that New Zealand is having bird-population issues, but they’re being killed off by cats, and so they’re trying (but failing due to fluffiness of cats) to get rid of the cats? YES. This just demonstrates why too much fluff is an atrocity! REMOVE THE FLUFF!

Wait, are you trying to say that it’s a good thing to remove cats? Or that it’s ineffective for them to use so much fluff in their campaigns?

Let me put it this way: If you’re trying to encourage people to get rid of something, should you really make the “evil form” of something absolutely adorable?


So… wait, you’re acknowledging that too much fluff is bad?

… I’ll get back to you on that.

Anyways, thank you for reading this fluff of the day! I hope you have a fantastic, fluffy filled day. 🙂